Bid Now!

If you won an item or gift certificate (unless otherwise specified)
Pick-Up Day is tomorrow, Monday June 3, 2019

Time: 8:15am-9:15am or 3:15pm-4:30pm | Main lobby of CHML

If you cannot pick up your items at this time, please arrange to have someone else pick it up for you. 

Displaying items 85 - 94 of 94 in total

$50 to Queen Vic

$50 to Granville Moore's

$50 to Dangerously Delicious

$50 to Brookland's Finest

$50 to BIg Board

$50 Picaboo Gift Card

$25 to The Pug

$25 to Solly’s Tavern

$25 to Indigo

$150 CHAW Gift Certificate